Por cierto, hoy estaré en el programa Solorzano en la Red a las 8pm con Javier Solorzano en esta discusión del presupuesto, que se transmite en canal 22 y otros canales como UNAM, estatales, etc.
2 comentarios:
Saludos.....Profesor, un op-ed de Soros......Nevertheless, Popper proclaimed what he called the “doctrine of the unity of method” by which he meant that both natural and social sciences should be judged by the same criteria. And Hayek, of course, became the apostle of the Chicago school of economics where market fundamentalism originated. But as I see it, the implication of the human uncertainty principle is that the subject matter of the natural and social sciences is fundamentally different; therefore they need to develop different methods and they have to be held to different standards. Economic theory should not be expected to produce universally valid laws that can be used reversibly to explain and predict historic events. I contend that the slavish imitation of natural science inevitably leads to the distortion of human and social phenomena. What is attainable in social science falls short of what is attainable in physics..........Como he dicho, you can't model "animal spirits", aunque muchos insistan que sea posible. Tambien quisiera comentar, en torno al PIB de EEUU, Bravo Obama, Bravo AMLO, y Bravo todos que saben que la Intervencion Estatal es Indispensable para que un Pais tenga Exito.............Saludos.....El link para el op-ed de Soros...Soros: General Theory of Reflexivity......http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/0ca06172-bfe9-11de-aed2-00144feab49a.html
Saludos....Ahora, quisiera aclarar que simplemente porque no se puede modelar efectivamente la economia no signfica que no debiera hacerse. Un modelo siempre es efectivo para lograr convencer a otros de tu punto de vista......Saludos..
2 comentarios:
Saludos.....Profesor, un op-ed de Soros......Nevertheless, Popper proclaimed what he called the “doctrine of the unity of method” by which he meant that both natural and social sciences should be judged by the same criteria. And Hayek, of course, became the apostle of the Chicago school of economics where market fundamentalism originated. But as I see it, the implication of the human uncertainty principle is that the subject matter of the natural and social sciences is fundamentally different; therefore they need to develop different methods and they have to be held to different standards. Economic theory should not be expected to produce universally valid laws that can be used reversibly to explain and predict historic events. I contend that the slavish imitation of natural science inevitably leads to the distortion of human and social phenomena. What is attainable in social science falls short of what is attainable in physics..........Como he dicho, you can't model "animal spirits", aunque muchos insistan que sea posible. Tambien quisiera comentar, en torno al PIB de EEUU, Bravo Obama, Bravo AMLO, y Bravo todos que saben que la Intervencion Estatal es Indispensable para que un Pais tenga Exito.............Saludos.....El link para el op-ed de Soros...Soros: General Theory of Reflexivity......http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/0ca06172-bfe9-11de-aed2-00144feab49a.html
Saludos....Ahora, quisiera aclarar que simplemente porque no se puede modelar efectivamente la economia no signfica que no debiera hacerse. Un modelo siempre es efectivo para lograr convencer a otros de tu punto de vista......Saludos..
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