lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Banco Central en Argentina y la Máquina del Tiempo (Regreso al Pasado)

Esta nota de The Economist resulta interesante al reseñar los cambios que han ocurrido recientemente en Argentina, ahora respecto a su Banco Central. Algo así como entrar en una máquina del tiempo y regresar al pasado... lo negativo o positivo de estas decisiones sólo las veremos en el futuro... pero no creo que el resultado sea bueno.... sigo sosteniendo que la independencia del banco central en un país es un paso adelante para un manejo prudebte y adecuado de la política monetaria.....
FOR the past 20 years a plaque has adorned the lobby of Argentina’s Central Bank, proclaiming its “primary and fundamental mission to preserve the value of the currency”. This week the plaque was removed after the country’s Congress approved a government bill that gives the bank a new, wordier mandate: “to promote, to the extent of its ability and in the framework of policies established by the national government, monetary stability, financial stability, jobs and economic growth with social fairness”. Put more simply, the bank has lost the last shred of its legal independence and become the piggy bank of President Cristina Fernández’s government. It can now be required to transfer to the treasury cash equal to 20% of government revenues plus 12% of the money supply; to use its reserves (of $47 billion) at will to pay government debts; and to play a more active role in regulating banks and in steering credit to favoured industries.

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