sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Las Burbujas y la Neurociencia

Para aquellos que les interesen estudios y discusiones en estas nuevas áreas que vinculan a la psicología y a la neurociencia con la economía, les comparto una liga a un interesante artículo, Microscopic Microeconomicas en el NYT
en donde se da una explicación a la formación de burbujas a partir del comportamiento cerebral de los individuos...
Why are bubbles such a persistent feature of financial history? Economists argue that these speculative frenzies are caused in part by market failures like too much liquidity or lax regulation. Cognitive psychologists, meanwhile, see bubbles as a case of pattern recognition gone awry, as people extrapolate the past into the future. In recent years, neuroscientists also have become interested in bubbles, if only because the financial manias seem to take advantage of deep-seated human flaws; the market fails only because the brain fails first. Read Montague, at Baylor College of Medicine, has spent the last few years trying to decipher the bits of brain behind our irrational exuberance. It’s microeconomics at its most microscopic.

While these data contain plenty of caveats, they nevertheless provide an important insight into how the brain makes sense of the marketplace and why we sometimes get swept away by speculation. The mind is not a single voice but an argument, a chamber of competing voices, and a bubble occurs when we listen to the wrong side

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