Parece que al final, como era de esperarse, se ha alcanzado un acuerdo en Washington sobre el famoso tema de la deuda en este país. Los detalles son aún un poco confusos. Este acuerdo es aún entre los líderes de los dos partidos en las dos cámaras, y mañana deberá ser votado. Por lo pronto les dejo esta información. aquí pueden acceder a una "Fact Sheet" que emitió la Casa Blanca. Aquí pueden ver un Live Blog en el WSJ que va siguiendo todo el detalle. Y este breve resumen de los principales puntos tomado de Calculated Risk
* $900 billion in the first stage of deficit reduction.
* $1.5 trillion in second stage of deficit reduction to be defined by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate.
* If the special committee fails to deliver a deficit-cutting package that would trigger $1.2 trillion in cuts, half would be Defense cuts and the other half would be non-Defense cuts, exempting low-income programs Social Security and Medicaid, and only impacting providers in Medicare.
* The debt ceiling increase would be done in three phases: $400 billion initially; another $500 billion later this year would be subject to a vote of disapproval; a third increase of $1.5 to get the rest through 2012 and would also be subject to vote of disapproval.
* There is also a provision to have Congress vote on balanced budget amendment
* $900 billion in the first stage of deficit reduction.
* $1.5 trillion in second stage of deficit reduction to be defined by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate.
* If the special committee fails to deliver a deficit-cutting package that would trigger $1.2 trillion in cuts, half would be Defense cuts and the other half would be non-Defense cuts, exempting low-income programs Social Security and Medicaid, and only impacting providers in Medicare.
* The debt ceiling increase would be done in three phases: $400 billion initially; another $500 billion later this year would be subject to a vote of disapproval; a third increase of $1.5 to get the rest through 2012 and would also be subject to vote of disapproval.
* There is also a provision to have Congress vote on balanced budget amendment
Un comentario generalizado de este acuerdo es la enorme politización que seguramente generará incertidumbre sobre cada uno de los pasos a seguir