lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

El Tortuoso Proceso para Publicar en Revistas Académicas de Economía

Este post es de particular interés para aquellos economistas dedicados a la academia. Les comparto esta liga a esta nota interesante:Publication lags and young economistsresearch output

It is a well-documented fact that the time between submission and publication at most journals has been increasing over the last few decades. This column documents and discusses various implications of this publication slowdown on research productivity and the careers of economics PhD recipients...
...These data show that the economics profession is extremely hierarchical, both in the sense that top scholars vastly out-publish even average ones, and that top programmes produce graduates who are significantly better than non-top programmes. Our most important conclusion, however, is that there has been a significant slowdown in the publication rates of junior faculty over recent years, and this is likely due to a more difficult publishing environment than a drop in the quality of new PhDs. This suggests that our profession should be careful when evaluating people for tenure and promotions. The rules of the game have changed and members of more recent cohorts who may be just as talented and hard-working as their predecessors almost certainly will have shorter CVs in comparison.

Más allá del impacto sobre la carrera académica para aquellos que buscan "tenure", también podría haber una impacto en el debate académico al resultar más lento y acotado en la medida que las primeras publicaciones toman la forma de documentos de trabajo o "mimeos". En este sentido, este tema se vincula con el papel de los Blogs en Economía tal y como lo señalé en este post al permitir una mayor y más amplia difusión de muchos temas con mayor rapidez.

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