jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Wikileaks, Merving King y la Independencia del Banco Central

Este escándalo de Wikileaks esta tocando todo los temas, y a propósito de mi post anterior que toca, entre otros temas, la independencia de la autoridad monetaria y la sana separación del ámbito monetario del fiscal, pues uno de los dichosos cables hace referencia a un cierto involucramiento de Merving King, Gobernador del Banco de Inglaterra, en temas fiscales y partidistas y cómo se pedía su renuncia.....
WikiLeaks: Mervyn King should quit over 'political bias', says Blanchflower• Leaked US cables show governor of Bank of England's 'thirst for power has clouded his judgment', former colleague says

There were insights, though, in the embassy documents that I found truly shocking, not least the details of King's attempts to co-author the coalition's strategy on the deficit. That is definitely not part of his job description.

And this information emerged only a few days after revelations by Adam Posen at the Treasury select committee that members of the MPC were uncomfortable that statements King had made were overly political. The Financial Times, in a recent article, made it clear that others on the staff at the Bank shared that view. The governor of the Bank of England should not be in the business of shaping one political party's macro-economic policy.

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