viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Jean Meyer: Doctor Honoris Causa de la U de Chicago

Es un enorme gusto compartir este anuncio sobre mi colega Jean Meyer,  en donde la Universidad de Chicago le otorga el Doctorado Honoris Causa
Jean Meyer Barth, one of the most influential scholars of Mexican history and a professor of history at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas in Mexico City, will receive the Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Chicago at spring convocation on June 9, 2012. CLAS invites students, faculty, and alumni to join us for a reception in Jean Meyer's honor at 4:30pm on June 8 in the John Hope Franklin room, Social Science Research Building. An erudite scholar and public intellectual, Meyer has published on topics ranging from Perestroika to the theology of liberation in Latin America, and is a regular contributor to Mexico’s equivalent to The New Yorker andHarpers (Letras Libres and Nexos). Meyer is an expert on the Revolutionary period of Mexican history, as well as the 19th-century Mexican empire of Maximilian. He is co-founder of El Colegio de Michoacan – a leading Mexican university – and founder and editor of Istor, the only journal in the Spanish language devoted to world history. He is the first Mexican citizen to receive the honorary degree from the University of Chicago.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Felicidades al mi maestro Jean Meyer

Anónimo dijo...

Saludos Profesor, y felicitaciones a Jean Meyer. Pero hay que ser claros. La Universidad de Chicago, de donde vienen muchos economistas que luego imponen laissez-faire in America Latina, es, comparada con otras instituciones "elite" de EEUU, MUY CONSERVADORA. De hecho, muchos de los economistas de esa universidad un dia si y otra tambien acusan a Obama de ser un totalitario que desea imponer su ideologia a todo el pais, socavando el federalismo y la familia. Entonces, no me sorprendio cuando encuentro esto que Jean Meyer escribio en los 70s. Si uno sigue la politica de EEUU, lo mismo que Meyer dice contra el Mexico de la Cristiada, los Conservadores dicen contra Obama. De hecho, han dicho que el desea que el Estado reemplaze la familia, y por eso Obama ataca a la Iglesia Catolica. .....What then was the Cristiada? It was a reaction of a society against the aggression of a centralizing state. The ambitions of the Mexican revolutionaries were openly totalitarian: to destroy every authority outside the state, to uproot the village and family, to control the minds of the young. The Catholic Church was their largest and best-organized obstacle. Not only was the Church the center of religious life, it was the center of the social life of the countryside, and the attack on the Church was here an attack on communal life itself.